Women's Liberation

Letter with a female symbol and a fist in the center as its header. <br />
"Dear Friends,<br />
We are asking for financial support for the legal expenses of six women who were arrested on April 23, 1981 for disrupting U.S. Senate hearings on S. 158, the so-called Human Life Bill. If passed, this bill, introduced by Jesse Helms (R. - N.C.) and promoted by John East (R. - N.C.), would state that human life begins at the moment of conception, thus making abortion and some forms of birth control murder. The six women, members of the Women's Liberation Zap Action Brigade, held signs and shouted pro-abortion slogans until they were arrested.<br />
The women are presently charged with "disruption of Congress." a federal statute punishable by a maximum of six months in jail and/or a $500 fine. Frequently this charge is reduced to disorderly conduct, an alternative that the U.S. Attorney's office has refused in this case. The arraignment judge has refused to follow the bail agency's recommendation to release the defendants on personal recognizance and stated openly that even though he had no doubt that the women would return for trial, he wanted them to feel the consequences of their "willfully" illegal action. The women are currently free on $100 bail each, and the trial is set for July 6th.<br />
We need your help. The government's treatment of these activists makes clear that we must all work together against the mounting right-wing backlash. Contributions from your organization and assistance in informing the members of your group, either through news stories, announcements, or free classifieds in your newsletters or bulletin board notices are essential to our success.<br />
We have taken the risk of exposing to he nation the sham of John East's Human Life Bill hearings. Your financial help will demonstrate the broad base from which our actions sprang.<br />
Please make checks to April 23 Defense Committee and send to Committee, c/o Smith, 687 Sackett St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217. For more information, call Tacie Dejanikus, 202 (234-8072) W or write c/o off our backs, 1724 20th St., N.W., Wash. D.C. 20009.<br />
In sisterhood, the Women's Liberation Zap Action Brigade."

Letter asking for donations for legal expenses for six arrested women who disrupted the S. 158 Human Life Bill Senate hearing, circa 1981.

Women's liberation was one of Sue's most prominent areas of activism. She explored and brought awareness to many facets of feminism such as body positivity, sexuality, motherhood, sexist pay gaps, workplace discrimination, and violence against women. She participated in and photographed the "Take Back the Night" march in April 2002 where women spoke out against rape and domestic violence.

One interesting aspect of the feminist movement that can be seen in this collection was the separatism that could be experienced between mothers and non-mothers. Some feminists held deep resentment towards men and that included male children. In one letter, Sue was referred to as a "mother of a son" and was excluded from a feminist camp group simply because of her being mother to a son.