A Good Vow to Break


Main Street Methodist Church in downtown Hattiesburg, c 1940-1956

At the invitation of USM President R.C. Cook, Greene found himself back in Mississippi for a move that he considered temporary. Over the next 36 years he would become an engaged member of the Hattiesburg community, joining the congregation of the Main Street Methodist Church and the local chapter of the Lions Club, which provided an outlet for his humor with its satirical stage performances.  Most significantly, through his devotion to the development of the business program, he became an integral member of the Southern Miss faculty. “Hattiesburg and the University have been good to me and my family,” Greene recalled. “I’ve never regretted taking back that vow about Mississippi.”

Batman Challenged.pdf

Dr. Greene starring as villain in Lions Club production of Batman, c 196-

A Good Vow to Break